
Showing posts from September, 2019

A Quick Tour to the Causes and Cures of Swim Bladder Disorder

Is your aquarium fish floating upside down? Or is it having swollen belly? Did you notice it to sink towards the bottom of your aquarium? Does it also swim keeping the tail high? If your answer is yes to all these questions, the first thing you need to do is to stop doing panic! On a serious note, curved spine or swollen belly or sinking towards the bottom is a sign of a common disorder of the aquarium fishes called swim bladder disorder. Remember, it has an easy remedy too. But, due to the negligence and lack of observation of the owners, this disorder is often overlooked. Also, it is often detected when it is too late to cure the fish! It is recommended to go through the following guide to keep your fish healthy and lively. Know the disorder in detail Swim bladder disorder is the particular state in which the bladder faces obstacles to function in the way in which it should normally do. These obstacles cause to the swim bladder due to some diseases in the fis

Aquarium Lighting – Basic Things to Know

You may think lighting is just for the show of a fish tank but that is a wrong concept because several things lie with the light setting in an aquarium. Beginner aquarists may not understand the importance of  aquarium lighting  and choose wrong light for a tank which may harm aquatic species and lead too much growth of algae. So, first understand, why lighting is an important part of fishkeeping then only mount light. Bright Lighting helps you see the colors of the aquatic species prominently but you have to understand whether your pet is a diurnal or a nocturnal species. You should consider a few things before you select lighting for your fish tank: 1.        Consider the Species You are Keeping in the Aquarium Different specimens need different lighting for their tank. While choosing a pet fish, learn about its necessities and comfort for adding illumination in the house of your finned buddies. Some fish love high light and others prefer moderate lighting that they r